I’m Amy and I’m glad you’re here!
After a decade in the food service industry, I finally had a clear vision of how I wanted to proceed with my career after becoming a mom. There are two real passions of mine that I hope to share with the world: cooking and entertaining.
My mom taught me how to cook at an early age and I never stopped exploring the culinary world. I was fortunate enough to have grown up in a family that sat down to dinner together every night and we always welcomed guests to our table. I remember my mom throwing the best birthday parties, girls nights, showers, holiday parties, you name it! When we hosted a party, it was an “all hands on deck” situation. Over the years and after countless perfectly executed family parties, it became clear that I had found my niche. Naturally, party planning became my profession as an adult where I worked on events for every occasion and budget under the sun.
What is AbracaShaba?
AbracaShaba started off as our witty WiFi network but when I was trying to figure out my brand name nothing else seemed right. AbracaShaba is a play on the magic spell “Abraca Dabra” and I’ve always felt cooking was magical. You take ingredients in their most basic form and turn them into something remarkable. Food is the one thing that can bring families, people and cultures together. Everyone can cook, it’s just a matter of learning the craft.
Stick with me as I share my tricks for preparing fabulous meals, dazzling cocktails and creating an enchanting experience for everyone (especially you- the host). The magic really is in the details, whether it be a weeknight dinner or a grand, momentous event.